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Rangers to the Rescue

Cover of Rangers to the Rescue

Park Ranger Gwen figured that dealing with her territorial gargoyle when meeting her new colleague Charlotte was bad enough. Gwen doesn’t doubt that their boss Emily made the right call when hiring her, but try telling her gargoyle that.

When a father comes into headquarters and announces his pegasus shifter son is stuck up a tree, all three rangers will have to come to the rescue.

Convincing a pegasus colt that a chipmunk and a gargoyle mean him no harm? All in a day’s work for these three rangers!

Rangers to the Rescue is a standalone short story of around 5000 words and non-romance prequel to The Gargoyle Gets A Girlfriend, in which Gwen meets her mate, and A Hellhound for Halloween, where Charlotte meets hers.

Rangers to the Rescue is available for free now!

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